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Superintendent Annual Performance Standards - 2018 Superintendent Annual Performance Standards - 2017 Superintendent Annual Performance Standards - 2016 Superintendent Annual Performance Standards - 2015 West Allegheny School District Office Mailing Address: P O Box 55, Imperial, PA 15126 Phone: 724-695-3422 | Directions "imageHeight" : imgHeight, "usePageListNavigation": true, this.CheckSlideshow(); ["Czech", "etina", "cs"],
var thisCol = this; Duquesne City School District is a small suburban public school district in the state of Pennsylvania.It is located in the east hills of Allegheny County, and serves the City of Duquesne, a former mill town on the banks of the Monongahela River.Duquesne City School District encompasses two square miles. This property has a lot size of 4791 sqft and was built in 1880. $(".cs-panel[data-index='" + nextIndex + "']","active").attr("aria-hidden", "false");
_this.MMGPlugin(); Glassdoor has 2 East Allegheny School District reviews submitted anonymously by East Allegheny School District employees. } "TabbedEvents": function(sliderTransitionSpeed) { Interested applicants may apply by completing and submitting an employment application to Dave Loya, Athletic Director or Jamie Morgan, Secretary to the Superintendent. "hpCustomHeadlines": function() { } else if(!$(".sw-special-mode-bar").length && !$("#sw-content-container10.ui-hp").length) { this.DropdownActions({ "thumbnailWidth" : 122, ["Ukrainian", "", "uk"], }
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// CONSUME TAB KEY "image": "Site Utility/2.png", } }); "titles" : "yes", ga('BBTracker.set', 'dimension1', 'AWS'); North Wasco County School District is pleased to announce that we are seeking . }); "text": "Board Policies", this.SocialIcons(); ["Hawaiian", "lelo Hawaii", "haw"], } 2 hour Early Dismissal of Students, 1150 Jacks Run Road, North Versailles, PA 15137. ["Serbian", "", "sr"], $(".joel-date", this).text(((parseInt($(".joel-date", this).text()) < 10) ? "customElementMarkup": "" // CUSTOM HTML MARKUP THAT MAKES THE CUSTOM TRANSLATE ELEMENT/STRUCTURE - USE [$CreativeTranslateListItems$] ACTIVE BLOCK IN THE MARKUP WHERE THE TRANSLATE ITEMS SHOULD BE ADDED ["Bengali", "", "bn"], East Allegheny School District. var imgLeft = $("").offset(); ["Italian", "italiano", "it"], "contentRegion" : "#sw-content-container10.ui-hp", if($("#sw-mystart-mypasskey").length) { break; "height": $("#hp-slideshow-outer").height(), $("").modEvents({ $("#hp-slideshow-inner-inner-inner > .mmg-description-outer").remove(); var dropdownSelector = params.dropdownSelector; this.SetTemplateProps(); "dropdownParent": ".cs-mystart-dropdown.translate", $(" .cs-tab, .hp-content.two .cs-tab, .hp-content.three .cs-tab").each(function() { $("#hp-slideshow-outer, #gb-icons-outer").addClass("small-slideshow"); //SCROLL TO TOP $("#hp-slideshow-outer, #gb-icons-outer").addClass("small-slideshow"); if($("#gb-logo").length) { break; "class": "youtube", // CONSUME LEFT AND UP ARROWS if($("+ " + dropdown + " " + dropdownList + " a").length) {
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There are no upcoming events to display.