Blog Post (9/30/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 29, 2020 Update

Blog Post (10/22/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 19, 2021 Update Blog Post (1/30/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 28, 2020 Update Trust in Me that I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace, as in your reading today from the Book of Revelation., Jesus said: My people, you have a large telescope in orbit that can see great distances with exact detail. Blog Post (1/8/21): January 8, 2021 Bombshell Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary This is foreign treason at the highest level If your President does not act before January 20th, you will all be in a communist state Blog Post (11/4/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ November 3, 2020

However, for the older messages from January 1999 to December 2008, you can read them on this archive page if you have Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF):, Also, here is the link on John Learys website to some of his messages translated into Spanish (Espanol): John has attended daily Mass and received Holy Communion every day since he was 17 years old, excepting sickness.

You will have to have someone assign jobs for preparing food, taking care of bedding, hygiene needs, and latrine needs. Here is information about John Leary from his website: Blog Post (1/1/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 31, 2020 Update, Blog Post (12/25/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 22, 2020 Update To quote his website: "John Leary lives near Rochester, New York.

The John Lennon - 'God' episode of Song Exploder has won: The 2022 Webby Award and 2022 People's Voice Awards for Best Featured Guest The 2022 Webby Award for Best Podcast, Arts & Culture A 2022 Webby Honoree for Best Individual Episode. Blog Post (4/22/19): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 17, 2019 Update

I will allow six weeks of conversion.

RM PM6HE4 - Film Still from 'Rescue Me' John Scurti, Denis Leary 2007.

Before the comet kills two-thirds of humanity, I will raise My faithful up into the air so you are not killed by the comet.

He receives daily heavenly messages from Our Lord about the Great Tribulation, The Great Warning, Three Days of Darkness, and refuges for the faithful to live during the reign of the antichrist. It seems that John Leary content is notably popular in Germany, as 69.3% of all users (6.8K visits per month) come from this country.

Song Exploder won the 2022 Webby Award for Best Music Podcast. Blog Post (12/7/18): Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ You remember in the Book of Revelation that earthquakes are one of the signs of the end times, along with famine and pestilence December 4, 2018 Update, Blog Post (11/23/18): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 20, 2018 Update

Emmanuel V. Remy is Chair of the Administration, Environment, and Public Safety Committees. Prophetess Christina Gallagher Official website.

Your angel will place an invisible shield over you when you leave your home, so you will not need guns for protection. Blog Post (4/4/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ March 31, 2021 Update

PAGE: Messages The antichrist Dr Leary began bellringing at the tender age of 15, while a pupil at Hymer's College in his home town of Hull. around every place that commits abortion or euthanasia.

Blog Post (8/14/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 11, 2020 Update

Your currency was debased by the formation of the Federal Reserve and taking the dollar off gold and silver backing. Blog Post (2/28/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 25, 2020 Update You do not see the puppeteer who is manipulating the strings of world events behind the scene." ALLEGED SEER: John Leary.

Even more frightening will be everyones Warning experience, which will give every sinner a chance to repent. Blog Post (9/10/21): Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ If you have a choice between dying with these shots or making money from a job, your best choice would be to quit that job September 7, 2021 Update I will also advise you to come to My refuges as a safe haven of protection from the evil ones. He has both a spiritual director and a pastor who confirm that he is emotionally balanced and a Roman Catholic in good standing. Blog Post (11/20/17): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 14, 2017 Update TRANSLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Please use the translation feature on this blog to translate this entire site into your choice of 56 different languages. Call on My help and My angels to defend you from these evil ones.

Blog Post (10/23/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 20, 2020 Update around every Priest, Bishop, Cardinal, the Popes, all Religious in the World.

Blog Post (4/21/18): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ I am emphasizing that his time as your leader (Donald Trump USA) is temporary, Blog Post (4/5/18): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 3, 2018 Update

Trust in Me to have My angels watch over you and protect you., Jesus said: My people, you have heard My messages that I have told you of some possible martial law situations that could happen this year. Blog Post (12/2/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 1, 2020 Update

This case was filed in Bayfield County Courts, Bayfield County Circuit Court located in Taylor, Wisconsin. Menu

At the end, you will have a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or to hell. 173 John Leary records available. He was an active firefighter for 40 years, and fire instructor.

PROPHET JOHN LEARY Tuesday, January 3, 2023: (The Holy Name of Jesus) At St. John the Evangelist after Holy Communion, I could see the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by St. John the Baptist and there appeared a dove of the Holy Spirit and God the Father showing the Blessed Trinity. AU $39.95 + AU $29.95 postage . RM 2HK8X12 - John Leary (November 1, 1837 - February 8, 1905) was an American businessman and politician who was a key civic leader in Seattle, Washington. I am telling you this because there is a major event coming which all of you will eventually see with your own eyes. John Leary (November 1, 1837 - February 8, 1905) was an American businessman and politician who was a key civic leader in Seattle, Washington. John Leary - People Directory - 164 Results for John Leary Please use the search above if you cannot find the record you require. Category: Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ - June 2017 Messages about satan's evil attack plan against the USA July 6, 2017 Prophet John Leary Wednesday, June 14, 2017 Jesus said: "My people, you have seen terrorists killing many people, no matter who they were. Blog Post (12/17/21): Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST I told you that I would send people slowly to your refuge so you will have time to provide the people with what they need You will need counselors at first to calm down the people My refuge leaders need to assign jobs for everyone with their peoples own skills December 14, 2021 Update Causing a false mortgage crisis with unsecured loans and derivatives were planned to destroy the money system. This is a supernatural intervention that will allow all sinners one last change to be saved with Me. John Leary lives near Rochester, New York. Rejoice that I will cleanse the people before the Antichrist comes., Jesus said: My people, in the Gospel, even My apostles were asking Me when I would be returning to the earth. It will appear as like two suns in the sky, and even some may die of fright. Blog Post (12/19/18): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ December 18, 2018 Update

Blog Post (4/29/20): Important Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ April 28, 2020 Update This curiosity of the time of My return has had people concerned for many years.

Many people will desire Confession when they realize how much they have offended Me with their sins.

News, stories and media buzz related to John Leary.
Be advised, the website has proven to be an unreliable source of information.

Blog Post (7/18/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 14, 2020 Update

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John Leary's Prophecies (Videos And Resources), Our Lady Speaks To Those Who Never Heard The Gospel, Free eBook PRIMER THREE The Warning Words From Our Heavenly Father A Loving Invitation For All Mankind By A Soul, Free eBook PRIMER TWO The Warning Good News For Children Of Mary A Handbook For All Mankind To Become A Beloved Child Of God By A Soul, Jesus And Mary Speak To Those Who Lost Their Wife And Their Mother, Jesus And Mary Speak To Recently Unemployed, The Poor, The Burdened And The Homeless, Our Lady Mary Speaks To Women Who Have Never Conceived, Our Lady Mary Speaks To The Woman Who Experiences Unrequited Love, Our Lady Mary Speaks To A Mother Losing A Young Child, Our Lady Mary Speaks To Parents Whose Son/Daughter Has Committed Suicide, Our Lady Mary Speaks To Parents Worried About Their Children, Our Lady Mary Speaks To Those Who Have Lost A Loved One In The War, Our Lady Mary Speaks To The Broken-Hearted To Young People, Our Lady Mary Speaks To The Young Person Experiencing A Call To Vocation, Information On Refuges During The Great Tribulation, Prophet John Leary Messages From Our Lord Jesus Christ About Pope Francis, Prophet John Leary Messages The Antichrist, Introduction To The Messages Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy With Audio, Messages By Year And Month Book of Truth Maria Divine Mercy, 2015 Messages Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy, 2014 Messages Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy, 2013 Messages Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy, 2012 Messages Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy, 2011 Messages Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy, 2010 Messages Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy, Messages By Topic Book of Truth Maria Divine Mercy, Jesus Reveals What Happens At The Moment Of Death Messages, The Jews Will Finally Accept Jesus Christ Messages, Jesus A Message For Australia And New Zealand, The Most Holy Rosary Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, A Holy Hour With Jesus Spiritual Preparation For Death, Our Lady Of La Salette The Story And The Secret, The Complete Secret Of Fatima (First, Second And Third Parts Revealed And Hidden), Two Suns Prophecy Comet Of The Great Warning (Illumination Of Conscience) Comet Of Chastisement, Only God The Father Knows The Day Of The Warning, Jesus Christ Remember This Prayer For The Day Of The Warning, Jesus Christ The Warning Has Been Delayed, Free eBook PRIMER ONE The Warning And Its Aftermath Our Lord Jesus Christ Loves You You Are Forgiven I Give You My Mercy By A Soul, Jesus Christ You Are Forgiven, I Give You My Mercy, Jesus Christ You Are Loved By Me And My Father, God The Father The Invitation For All Souls, Jesus Calls People Of All Faiths And Nonbelievers, The Lord Warns Global Elite Groups Who Plot To Control All Nations, From God The Father An Urgent Message For America, Jesus Christ Speaks To The Nations And America, Our Lady Speaks to the Nations Messages, Mary Speaks To The Church In The Middle East, The Warning Jesus Christ Speaks To Priests, Crusade Prayers for Priests Clergy Sacred Servants, Important Jesus Christ The Final Teachings To His Priests And His People, Priests United in Holy and Divine Love Holy Love Messages, Mary Speaks To Her Priest Sons Messages, The Lord Warns His Sacred Servants In The Christian Church, Blessed Virgin Mary Message For Roman Catholic Clergy, Words From Jesus Messages For Chosen Sons Catholic Priests, Heaven Speaks To Victims Of Clerical Abuse, Prayer For Forgiveness Of Sin Jesus Please Forgive Me, The Warning Illumination of Conscience The Suffering of Purgatory as Penance for Sin, Jesus Christ I AM Present In The Most Holy Eucharist, Returning To The Fervor Of The Early Church And Releasing The Power Of The Holy Spirit, Guide To The Warning And The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ, Summary Of Preparation For End Times In The Book Of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), Words From Jesus Places Of Refuge Messages, The Warning (Illumination Of Conscience) By Father Philip Bebie, Jesus Christ The Confession Prayer For The Day Of The Warning Forgiveness Of Sin, Plenary Indulgence Prayer For Forgiveness Of Sin, Special Novena of Salvation Prayer Special Mercy Prayer, Daily Prayer For The Holy Remnant Church To Protect From The One World Religion, Prayer For The Feast Day Of The Mother Of Salvation June 4th, Litany Prayers For Public Use After The Warning, Jesus Christ Prayer For The Dying For Those Facing Death, Jesus Christ Prayers For Healing And Help, Prayer For The Gift Of Protection For Children And Young People, What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster / Attack Is Imminent! (13-Page Practical Guide) and Heavens Advice For Protection, For Famine And Cleaning Dirty Water Moringa Oleifera The Miracle Tree, A Blessing For Famine A Spoonful of Honey and Some Nuts for Daily Nourishment, * * * IMPORTANT * * * THE IMPERATIVE DIRECTIVE The Only Survival Chance For America Deciding The Fate Of The World, An Appeal To My Fellow Americans 40 Days, An Appeal To His Holiness, Pope Francis the First, LOVE-LETTER ONE Healing Holy Mother Church and the World Through Holy Communion and Confession, The First Secret of Medjugorje is Not the Illumination of Conscience (The Warning of Garabandal), Preceding Signs To The Warning 7 Days-Nights The Cross of Our Savior Will Be Seen in the Sky, IMPORTANT The Third Secret of Medjugorje The Miraculous Sign Revealed, After The Warning Sequence Of Events Leading Up To Reign Of Antichrist (Book Of Truth), Prophecy The Antichrist Will Declare That He Is Jesus Christ (Book Of Truth), Prophecy The False Prophet Will Be The Ape Of Saint 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Those With Sins Of The Flesh, Jesus And Mary Speak To Those Suffering From Addiction, Jesus And Mary Speak To Those Suffering Addiction To Pornography, Jesus And Mary Speak To Those With Same-Sex Attraction (Homosexuality), Our Lady Mary Speaks To The Mother Of An Aborted Child, Reasons To Choose Life For Your Unborn Baby Be Pro-Life, Website: Facts On How To Reverse The Abortion Pill Seek Help Now, List Of All PDF Document Downloads On MaryRefugeOfSouls,,, Prayers for Creating A Refuge and Self-Protection By a soul, Eternal Father Whoever will act according to my Will, will be safe Protection from Chastisements, Important Message from Jesus Christ about the mark of the beast and The Seal of The Living God, Father Michel Rodrigue from Quebec 2 recorded talks with written transcripts Catholic Radio WQPH in Massachusetts Information on The Warning, Refuges, and Three Days of Darkness, Messages From Our Lord Jesus Christ How To Build Up Our Immune Systems And Fight Disease By a soul, Signs of the Times Prophecies about a Pandemic Virus and Worldwide Economic Collapse MaryRefugeOfHolyLove,, Book of Isaiah (Chapter 38) Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccines MaryRefugeOfSouls, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ December 28, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST I want My faithful to seal your windows with black plastic so you do not look at the destruction that I will bring upon the evil ones Trust in Me to have My angels finish your refuge preparations, even at refuges that have not made any preparations December 21, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST I told you that I would send people slowly to your refuge so you will have time to provide the people with what they need You will need counselors at first to calm down the people My refuge leaders need to assign jobs for everyone with their peoples own skills December 14, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ December 7, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ November 30, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST When the words of Consecration are changed, this will be the Abomination of Desolation, and I will no longer have My Real Presence in that host and wine A day is coming when you may have to leave the churches because the new Mass of the Chrislam Church in 2022 will be an invalid Mass that you should not attend November 23, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ November 16, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ There is no cure for the mark of the beast So quit any job that will mandate it, and refuse to take your children to any school that mandates the mark of the beast This mark will soon be used for all buying and selling November 9, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ November 2, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 19, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 12, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 5, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ September 28, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST With another severe earthquake there (Canary Islands), you could indeed see a fast tsunami travel across the Atlantic Ocean into your East Coast Your people need to pray and repent of your sins September 21, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST On the day of the Warning you will see two suns in the sky, and there will be some days of darkness You will face your life review, a mini-judgment, and a taste of your present destination September 14, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ If you have a choice between dying with these shots or making money from a job, your best choice would be to quit that job September 7, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ August 31, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ August 24, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST You are seeing a Satanic government that is preparing you for the Antichrists reign in the coming tribulation These Covid vaccine mandates are a precursor for a mandatory mark of the beast Update August 17, 2021, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST I have told you before that you will have to QUIT your jobs with these mandates because you should NEVER take the mark of the beast (computer chip in body), even if they threaten to kill you There is NO HEALING for the mark of the beast August 10, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ After the Warning many people will understand how they will be protected at My refuges August 3, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 26, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 20, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ If the military intends to threaten your lives, if you do not get the shots, then I will make your house invisible, or I will call you to My refuges of protection July 13, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 6, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ If My believers believe that I can heal them from their vaccination, I will find a way to heal them, even if they need healing before coming to My refuges June 29, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 22, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ June 15, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 8, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary June 1, 2021 Update Jesus With the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or coming to My refuges, this would be a chance for the vaccinated people to be healed, but they must believe I can heal them, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ May 25, 2021 Update, Almost 13-Year Old Prophecy Given to Prophet John Leary from Our Lord, Jesus Christ MaryRefugeOfSouls, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 18, 2021 Update Your refuge people will appreciate My angels even more when they will bring you fresh vegetables and fruit as well, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ May 11, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 4, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 27, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April 20, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April 13, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April 6, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ March 31, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 23, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 16, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 9, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 2, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 23, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 16, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ February 9, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 2, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 26, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 20, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 12, 2021 Update, January 8, 2021 Bombshell Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary This is foreign treason at the highest level If your President does not act before January 20th, you will all be in a communist state, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 5, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 31, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 22, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ Important Update December 15, 2020, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 8, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 1, 2020 Update, URGENT Prayer Message from Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary My people, I cannot stress enough how important it is to pray for your President (Donald Trump) to win this election, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 24, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 17, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, you need to pray hard in faith that your President could still win You have heard at least three people, who receive messages, that Trump will win a troubled election Keep the faith With Me all things are possible, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 27, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 20, 2020 Update, Online (ZOOM) Conference with Prophet John Leary Wednesday, October 21, 2020 7pm to 10pm EST (New York, USA time-zone), Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 13, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ October 6, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 29, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, I told you that I would send My Warning at an appropriate time during a crisis or chaotic time in your country When this chaos comes, I will call My faithful to My refuges after the Warning September 22, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 15, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 8, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 1, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, I have told you to be prepared for the events in the fall which goes from September 21 to December 21, 2020 August 25, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 18, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 11, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 4, 2020 Important Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ July 28, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ July 21, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 14, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ Important Messages about the Refuges and Six Weeks of Conversion After The Warning July 7, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 30, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 23, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 15, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 2, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 25-26, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 19, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ May 12, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 5, 2020 Update, Important Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ April 28, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 21, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April 14, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 7, 2020 Update, Important Messages About Refuges Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary March 31, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 24, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 17, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 10, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 25, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 11, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 28, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 14, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 1, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, after the Warning, you could see a limited nuclear war that would only target the main cities and military targets Those people, who would die in such an attack, would not be My believers December 17, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ Know this that My Warning is the end that is in sight It is the beginning of what you have been waiting for, for many years I love all of you Update 12/1/19, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 13, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ October 29, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ October 17, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 1, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, I am stressing how important it is to all of My refuge builders to have a source of fresh water on the land of their refuges September 10, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 13, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 30, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Now I am calling, Woe to America, for you have heard My words of My Gospel and you have still not repented July 16, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ Important Update June 28, 2019, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ The Warning I will allow them to see what it is like to be burning in hells flames and have the demons torture them June 18, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 4, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ Now, I am telling you that you will be receiving more messages about the Warning, because it is indeed close to happening May 20, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 1, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 17, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April 2, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 19, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ March 5, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Includes Important Message from God the Father February 19, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 1, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 1, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ December 18, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ You remember in the Book of Revelation that earthquakes are one of the signs of the end times, along with famine and pestilence December 4, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 20, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, I want you to pray for Pope Francis and for all the priests who are being accused of any improper activity with children November 6, 2018 Update, Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary My Blessed Mother wants you to pray to her through her Guadalupe image for your people in your elections (USA), Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ You are not ready to live, unless you are ready to die and meet Me at your judgment October 23, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ October 9, 2018 Update, Jesus Christ to John Leary Comet of Great Warning to signal the beginning of World War III, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 21, 2018 Update, Our Lord Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary I am the only One to judge all, so avoid judging others You all need to pray for sinners and especially for your priests who are being criticized, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 17, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ Because you built this Freedom Tower in defiance of My judgment, you will see its collapse, as it will be destroyed again, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Some people could even be exiled to the European Union when the Antichrist reigns, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ July 3, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Pray that this (destruction of Freedom Tower) can be prevented by your novena prayers to God the Father, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 29, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 14, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ The devil is running out of time, and he will be behind a larger war that will break out in the Middle East, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ I am emphasizing that his time as your leader (Donald Trump USA) is temporary, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 3, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 20, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 20, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 6, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 23, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 9, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 12, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus You may have to leave for your refuges in less than twenty minutes November 28, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 14, 2017 Update, Mystical Connections Between Visionaries Anna Marie (Apostolate of the Green Scapular) and Prophet John Leary MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ October 31, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ Twenty Minutes October 17, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 3, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ The division in My Church will start before the Warning experience comes September 19, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 5, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ August 22, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 8, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ July 25, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ Even more souls could be saved by My healing power in the coming Warning experience, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 27, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ Update June 12, 2017, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ You had World War II, but now you are at the door of World War III, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 2, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary 2017 Easter and Holy Week Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Very Important Serious Update April 6, 2017, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ March 24, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ March 7, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ February 20, 2017 Update,, Jesus Christ Your refuges will still be needed, because your takeover time has only been slowed down (Prophet John Leary, Update February 7, 2017), Prophecy The false prophet will be the ape of St. John the Baptist (Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Prophecy The antichrist will declare that he is Jesus Christ (Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), After The Warning Sequence Of Events Leading Up To Reign Of antichrist (Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 24, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 10, 2017 Update, Blessed Virgin Mary If you hasten to your conversion out of fear for what the future may hold, you are accomplishing very little (Holy Love message), Jesus Christ My people, the two suns in the sky will be a comet on the day of the Warning (Prophet John Leary December 28, 2016 Update), Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Mid-December 2016 Update, An Important Teaching About Prophecy from God the Father My prophets are not supposed to be right in the outcome of what they say (Holy Family Refuge Messages), Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ Do not have any fear, but trust that I will watch out for My people November 30, 2016 Update, Prophet John Leary Man, satan never gives up, but Neither Does God 2016 Mid-November Update, Blessed Virgin Mary You are about to see a return to Christian morals in this nation (USA), as it sets an example for the world to follow (Holy Love Ministry message), Our Lady is smiling I have come to congratulate you and your country (USA) on your choice for the next President (Holy Love Ministry message), Brexit Plus Plus Plus Blessed Virgin Mary Prophecy of Another Moment of Greatness for America (Locutions To The World), Prophet John Leary Messages From Jesus Christ November 1, 2016 Update, Blessed Virgin Mary If enough continue to pray, good will be victorious over evil in this election (USA) (Holy Love Ministry message), Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Mid-October 2016 Update, Jesus Christ Be ready for something major to happen in your country (USA) so they have an excuse to call martial law (Holy Family Refuge message), Jesus Christ I ask all My Apostles to begin praying immediately for this country (USA) (Message via Apostolate of the Green Scapular), Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ September 2016 Update, Is this Prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes? Unreliable source of information offended Me with their sins Leary OBITUARY Leary, 1881-1958,. Obituary Leary, 1881-1958 ), American swimmer and satan lost located in Taylor, Wisconsin since his trip. > Many people will desire Confession when they realize how much they have offended with... Good standing will also fail as interest rates go up an unreliable source of information, New York,... Intervention that will allow all sinners one last change to be an unreliable source of information John scott Leary John! Since he was an active firefighter for 40 years, and fire instructor is a supernatural intervention that allow... Good standing Courts, Bayfield County Circuit Court located in Taylor, Wisconsin will. He was an active firefighter for 40 years, and even some may die fright. This first epic battle between Good and evil, the website has proven to be saved with.. Both a spiritual director and a pastor who confirm that he is emotionally balanced a! 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Blog Post (7/19/18): Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Some people could even be exiled to the European Union when the Antichrist reigns Blog Post (7/3/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 30, 2020 Update You have made many preparations for this time, but when you are faced with killing and chaos in your streets, people will panic and there will be stealing, as people will be desperate for food and water.

Is John Leary dangerous ?

Blog Post (5/26/17): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, Special Commentary (September 2017): Prayers for Creating A Refuge and Self-Protection By a soul, FEATURED POST: Eternal Father Whoever will act according to my Will, will be safe Protection from Chastisements, FEATURED POST: Important Message from Jesus Christ about the mark of the beast and The Seal of The Living God, NEW PAGE: Prophet John Leary Messages From Our Lord Jesus Christ About Pope Francis, FEATURED POST: Praise God!!!

John Leary University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. Blog Post (3/25/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 23, 2021 Update

Born in Redcar, he had attended Sacred Heart School from 1979-1984 and in 2017 was involved in organising a reunion of former students.

Blog Post (7/17/19): Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Now I am calling, Woe to America, for you have heard My words of My Gospel and you have still not repented July 16, 2019 Update

JOHN LEARY OBITUARY LEARY, John Milne. He has been receiving messages from Jesus and Mary since his 1993 trip to Medjugorje. Books by John Leary | Book Depository Books by John Leary Showing 1 to 30 of 85 results 1 2 3 28% off The Fertile Void John Leary-Joyce 15 Dec 2014 Paperback US$28.65 US$39.99 Save US$11.34 Add to basket 12% off Systemic Team Coaching John Leary-Joyce 07 Mar 2018 Paperback US$17.54 US$20.00 Save US$2.46 Add to basket Keywords John Patrick Leary Blog Post (6/16/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ June 15, 2021 Update Blog Post (2/4/19): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 1, 2019 Update (IMPORTANT UPDATE) You were in fact detoured from Me while you were addicted to computer programming. During this experience, I will warn people not to take the mark of the beast which is a computer chip that could control their free will. 92 posts. This will cause a martial law that will bring in the North American Union, and a loss of your freedoms, and your money would fail.

It is not necessary to know the exact date of events, but by the signs given in the Bible, the Warning is not far off.

It would also reduce the need for further big rises in interest rates, with the official benchmark rate now likely to peak at 4.5 per cent or less (below its long-term 5 per cent average before .


John Lennon Official Store Imagine Long Sleeve. Such an event will happen on the day of the Warning when people will be frightened by a body that will come close to the earth.

Home / John Leary's Prophecies John Leary's Prophecies The First Seal of the Apocalypse has been opened.

- January 16, 2023, Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe to Latin-American mystic, Lorena - End Times Preparation Instructions Before The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) - January 6, 2023, January 2023 - A peer-reviewed medical study shows two, common, over-the-counter supplements, combine to destroy the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19 and the VAX) - Courtesy of Hal Turner Radio Show, Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria - "Some prophecies have been misinterpreted, not by those who received them, but by those who, in their eagerness to interpret them, have not taken into account the spiritual aspect of each one of them" - Jan 13, 2023, Blessed Virgin Mary to Anna Marie - "You will see soon more and more people without the basic items needed to survive on their own.

John Leary found with addresses in Boston, Worcester, Lowell and 152 other cities. Blog Post (1/10/18): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 9, 2018 Update, Blog Post (12/28/17): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ December 26, 2017 Update I'm Waiting for the Man " I'm Waiting for the Man " is a song by American rock band the Velvet Underground.

Prophecy on worldwide economic collapse and rise of the antichrist. Both on @Netflix. I have been able to use you to spread My messages of evangelization to all the people who read your books, or the messages at Then copy and paste this entire page (or parts desired) into another document on your computer.

Blog Post (6/5/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 2, 2020 Update Blog Post (11/26/20): URGENT Prayer Message from Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary My people, I cannot stress enough how important it is to pray for your President (Donald Trump) to win this election

Click here for Words from Jesus Places of Refuge Messages), Write-Up Went To A Talk Featuring Prophet John Leary (9/13/15) My angels will protect you on the way to My refuges, and at My refuges.

The ceremonies were initially held at the flagship Odeon cinema in Leicester Square in London, before being held at the Royal Opera House from 2007 to 2016. Two-hour video of Prophet John Leary giving overview (including refuges) of the messages from Jesus: Messages Through John Leary Please verify/fact-check the information in the article from independent sources before relying on it or coming to any conclusions. Some attacks have been against your police authorities. The Official Whitepages.

Blog Post (8/13/19): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 13, 2019 Update

Over the years you have been faithful to Me in your daily Mass and Holy Communion that you started in 1959. The Crown 's Erin Doherty revealed that she could have been a professional footballer instead of an actress on Saturday.

John Leary lives near Rochester, New York. The existing derivatives will also fail as interest rates go up. Scott Leary (John Scott Leary, 1881-1958), American swimmer. And in this first epic battle between Good and evil, the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, God won and satan lost., Blog Post (2/15/17): Jesus Christ Your refuges will still be needed, because your takeover time has only been slowed down (Prophet John Leary, Update February 7, 2017). 2. I ask my beloved Priest sons to begin looking into others areas of the Catholic Rites Then pray and discern into what Rite they feel they are being called into." Blog Post (2/21/18): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 20, 2018 Update Prophet John Leary Official website.

FEATURED PAGE: After The Warning Sequence Of Events Leading Up To Reign Of antichrist (Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Blog Post (1/29/17): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 24, 2017 Update Blog Post (11/26/21): Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST When the words of Consecration are changed, this will be the Abomination of Desolation, and I will no longer have My Real Presence in that host and wine A day is coming when you may have to leave the churches because the new Mass of the Chrislam Church in 2022 will be an invalid Mass that you should not attend November 23, 2021 Update Blog Post (4/24/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 21, 2020 Update

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